Sunday, January 2, 2011

Rainrot is the devil...

I've had to deal with rainrot on a few occasions (and always Thoroughbreds), sometimes I even thought it was a pretty bad case I was dealing with. But it turns out that those times were just practice for getting Seamus *sigh* I have to work at the patches slowly because it does bother him and he's starting to get the energy to let me know instead of just taking it. I've heard that the spots don't hurt, but it must be at least a little uncomfortable for the horse to have patches of hair and a skin layer come off, sometimes causing several square inches of almost bald spots. Seems like nerve endings might be exposed or something... regardless, both of us can only take it for so long- him from the discomfort and me getting tired of making him uncomfortable :( Today I even got my foot stepped on, though I'm glad to say Seamus moved off readily enough. I guess that's what I get for standing at his butt constantly annoying him, I'm just lucky he's not trying to kick my head off!

But his butt from the hips back is almost rainrot free, course it's also missing a lot of skin and hair:

The areas over his ribs are going to be even worse, they are solid patches of rainrot. We will start on that this week, I will check for any missed spots on his rear-end tomorrow while waiting for the vet. I'm also glad to say that the swelling has gone down in his hind legs, and after I had a good long talk with the vet on the phone yesterday about whether or not to go ahead and start antibiotics or wait until he was seen. We opted to wait and the swelling went bye-bye on it's own LOL

I know getting him back up to weight is going to take lots of time, but I'm glad to say that I think I am already seeing some miniscule results- he doesn't seem quite so shrunken and tottery now, it's like he's starting to seem a little more solid. I will try to get some pics from the side tomorrow as tomorrow marks one week that he came into my life and a re-introduction of food into his!

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