Well the weather outside is frightful... but inside the barn it's still awfully cold LOL
We are lucky to have not had quite as bad of a winter as many places in the US. Central Kentucky got cold spells earlier than usual this winter as we had snow on Christmas which is a rarity, usually we don't see snow until January. We got some snow, then some ice, then a thaw and then it starts all over again. At least it melts in between and we don't have several feet of snow built up. Shoot, last Saturday it hit 50! It was muddy, but I pulled on the mudboots and worked Sugar a bit then changed out for riding boots and bumped around on her for awhile while hanging out with our buddy Cindy. Didn't work Seamus as the mud was too much for his not 100% self... I wish I had better footing, but the area I ride and work in doubles as a paddock so it's pretty tore up right now.
Anyways, Seamus is still such a sweetheart... I sometimes worry that he's not "coming back" from his starvation, but he honestly seems to be just fine. I guess I keep expecting that he's going to turn into one of those silly Thoroughbreds even though his whole feeding regimen has been based on getting weight back on slowly and carefully with a minimum of starch to keep that from happening. I think it is working as planned though. I worry a bit, cause that's what I do... but he's got a great attitude and doesn't seem depressed at all, he nickers at me when I drive up, he cleans up all of his feed and hay every night, drinks well, and he's perfectly capable of getting away from Sugar when she is being a witch LOL So I guess he is just fine :)
Tonight I planned on getting the run of photos for the week after I got a stall cleaned out and let him eat but then tonight got derailed by another TB at the barn colicing. Not one of mine, but a racehorse there on break. Luckily I was there to get the vet called and help out the owner as he's not a real experienced horse person. I think we caught Russ' bellyache early and the vet came out to banamine and oil him. When I left, Russ was comfy so hopefully that will be all he needs, but everyone please keep Russ in your thoughts!
I did get some photos of Seamus before I left, though, so you can check out his progress:
I am guesstimating that he's gained about 70lbs at this point. He's got some fat pads, his butt and thighs are filling in, and he's finally starting to get some padding over his spine and upper ribcage. I also wormed him earlier this week so if parasites are a problem, that is taken care of now. I just wanted to wait until I felt he was strong enough to get through it just in case he did have a bad worm load. He seems to be just fine, but I am glad I waited.
Once it warms up and dries up around here a little, I can get to working him on the lunge again and get those muscles built back up. Oh, I can't wait for spring!!!
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