Saturday, November 12, 2011

In Which a Kentucky Thoroughbred Moves to Tennessee

Well, I have been *extremely* remiss about posting updates for some time and I hope ya'll can forgive me! Life has a way of getting away from me (or having it's way with me as the case may be!) and I've had a little secret for awhile ;)

For a quick recap, Seamus went to Masterson Station Park with Heather aboard several times over the summer and fall... and in July, Seamus even went and did some Pony Games! He was a little nervous at first, but a nice gal named Maggie helped Heather out A TON and Seamus finally started picking up what he was supposed to be doing... and he was by far the biggest "pony" there! Here's a couple of pics (photos by Cindy):

I touch?

Passing off

I got this!

Well somewhere in the middle of all these rides, Heather (who when I told her I got Seamus sez to me "I'll help you find a home, but I'm not taking him!") falls in total love with the big guy! By July, she had already talked her hubby Jared into it LOL Now Heather and Jared already have two Thoroughbred mares, Lady and OJ, but Lady is getting on in age and OJ is young, impetuous, and not ready to settle into being a riding horse just yet... And Seamus is just perfect for Heather :) Awhile back, Cindy pointed out that it was Fate since Heather's favorite color is green and Seamus' registered name is "Green Boy" and I quite agree! I could not ask for a better home for my beloved "Idiot Boy" (said with much affection, but he's earned it LOL).

We'd been talking about getting Seamus home to TN sometime this fall and finally this week I was able to pummel my work schedule into submission so I could get on that... I worked half the day Tuesday then it was off to the barn to drag Seamus in to wrap his legs and throw him and his stuff on the trailer for the trip so we could get down before dark! I wanted to take it slow since it was my first long-ish trip driving the truck and trailer and Seamus' first long trip in at least a year. It went well and Seamus traveled like a champ; we got there a bit before Heather could get off work so I hand grazed him for awhile and got to meet the nice barn owner, Lena Beth.

Lady (bay) and OJ (chestnut) curious about what's in the trailer

Heather taking Seamus on his first walk around the field

Heather got there a little after 5pm and she took Seamus around the pasture to show him the fence line and any tricky spots and holes. I followed along after and snapped some pics for posterity and let them get on with their new partnership... Before it got dark, we let Seamus and the mares meet in the field which resulted in some squealing (to be expected) but then Seamus split one direction and the girls split another... the girls did not know what to think of the new boy! Seamus took off galloping for awhile so Heather and I monitored him while he let off steam, then got him back in to spend the night in a stall.

We went off to dinner and had a night of chilling on the couch. Heather had to work in the morning so turn-out and monitoring duty fell to Jared and I. About 9am we headed back to the barn to turn Seamus out and see if he was over himself; turns out he was and while there was a bit more squealing from the mares, it eventually turned into Seamus walking the field to check it all over while the girls followed him around. Occasionally Seamus and OJ would break into trotting or cantering for fun and Lady would just wander around behind them.

Meet n' greet (OJ is the pissy looking chestnut)

Gotta keep an eye on the new boy!

Seamus near the Spring House

Doing what Thoroughbreds do best!

Jared and I decided after about an hour that everything was going just fine so I packed up and headed back towards home... albeit with a bit of a heavy heart...

Seamus has been such a part of my life for the past 11 months that the barn is a bit empty with him gone, but I will see him again and Heather is the best possible "mom" for Seamus that I could have picked... So while I miss him, I have no worries about where he is or if he's being cared for, and that's all a rescuer could ask for!

And this is one formerly neglected horse's Happily Ever After:

A girl to call his own...

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